Our big party 2016! Register Now


The Large Canivet Family’s fifteenth party will take place in September 2019. We would be delighted to meet you there!

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groupe 2013

Every three years since 1974, La Grande Famille Canivet (The Large Canivet Family) organizes a reunion day, whose purpose is to get to know each other, get together and share good moments. It is also the perfect moment to share genealogical information. We are at your disposal the whole day to answer any question you might have.


Every person bearing the name Canivet, Canivez, Cannevet… or a name with a similar consonance is invited, as well as his/her spouse and children (1). It is the only condition required to participate. We obviously need to have your email or postal address in order to send you an invitation. If you are not part of the large Canivet Family yet, subscribe now!



(1) Children who don’t bear the patronym (anymore) are also welcome up to the age of 15.

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